Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Duck...

Manahoana Daholo e!

Hey everyone! How was Christmas? I hope everyone had a great day because we sure did here! It was so nice to talk with most of you over skype and I'm glad to see that you're all doing well. How we spent our day was probably a lot different than how you guys spent yours, but we still had a ton of fun.

On Christmas morning we all got up and started cooking right away. Elder Anderson, my companion,  is pretty good in the kitchen and decided to make fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and chocolate pie. We helped him create the ultimate Christmas lunch and it turned out to be really good.

After our little feast, we headed over to the church for the Branch Christmas party. The branch members organized the whole thing and they actually asked us, the missionaries, to bring some kind of skit for them. What we did was we created a scenario were the missionaries tracted into Santa Clause and Mrs. Clause and shared a message with them. It was super funny and the branch members loved it. The primary kids also sang in the program and the young single adults told the Christmas story. Best Christmas party I've ever been a part of!

After the Christmas party, we went and had the ultimate Christmas dinner at a members house. He literally cooked us a Christmas duck for us and we used that for our kabaka with our rice. Never really had duck before but it was pretty dang good. Anyways, it was a great way to cap of our Christmas and it's safe to say that this Christmas is on the top of the list for Best Christmas of all time!

Well, I don't have a lot more to say. We had a great week last week with it being Christmas and all, but we're ready to get back in the swing of things. It's going to be tricky this week, however, in trying to avoid everything that goes on with New Years. Oh well, all we can do is try our best! Anyways, love you all so much and I hope that everyone has a great week!

Elder Stringfellow

Christmas Duck

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