Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Lac Sacre

Hey everyone!

I hope everyone had a good week and that life is going well. Things are just great here in Mahajanga and the missionary work is going. We worked our tails off again this week and saw many blessings from the lord!

To start off, on Tuesday we tracted for about 5 hours which was awesome! We literally went from door to door and set up a whole bunch of new programs. This upcoming week should be packed full with return appointments and we are excited to be teaching some new people.

On Wednesday, we continued with our tracting efforts and then ended the day with a Soiree. We had our soiree with a return missionary named Taylor Moulton who was here in Mahajanga this past week on vacation. He was staying with some members and they thought it would be fun to invite the missionaries over for dinner. We shared a spiritual message, played games, and then ended the night with dinner. It was so much fun and it was great to see another American again, haha!

Thursday and Friday were just regular work days but we did have a lesson with Victor on Friday. Holy Cow! He is so ready to be baptized it's insane! He just get's it! Plain and simple! We have his baptismal date set for Nov. 28 so please keep your fingers crossed that everything works out! We already found out that he's vita soratra so we don't have to worry about that. He's doing great and we can't wait for him to be baptized!

The rest of the week was great and President Lalary, from the mission presidency, stopped by the make sure things were going well with the Branch! That man is amazing and I wouldn't be surprised if he is the first Malagasy General Authority. It was great to have him up here because now we have a lot more things organized.

Okay, here's something cool! Today Elder Coleman and I woke up at 4:30am to go Lac Sacre. Lac Sacre is like a sacred pond here in Mahajanga and we really wanted to go see it. We went with one of our members, Stephano, and eventually found ourselves standing at this pond with the biggest fish I have ever seen! They were huge. Our guide was telling us that because of their size they are not afraid to eat people. Kinda scary but kinda cool. After we saw the fish we went down this trail which lead to a massive Baobab Tree. It was a way cool tree and after looking at it for a while our guide started making weird noises. It was so weird but we soon realized what he was doing, he was calling LEMURS! Before we new it 3 lemurs came flying out of the trees! We had some cookies with us and eventually started feeding them! It was so coool! Lemurs are now my favorite animals and everytime I see them I just wanna mess around with them! After our time with the lemurs, we finished our tour by seeing some crocodile. Those things are scary and our guide thought it was funny to make them mad by poking them with a stick trough the fence. They were not happy with us and we got out of there pretty quick! All in all, today was an awesome day and I got so way good pics and videos.

Anyways, that's my weekly report! Things are just going great here in Mada and I love being a missionary. I miss you all and love you all so much and I hope that everyone has a great week!

Love, Elder Stringfellow

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